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Transport Authority says the 2024/2025 licencing period has started for all categories of public passenger vehicles and commercial carriers; and as part of the Authority’s digital transformation programme, will be emailing the Road Licences to its customers.   The Authority says the February 1, 2024 start of the Licensing Period is to facilitate the timely submission and processing of road licences and commercial carriers applications, which expire on March 31, 2024.  To complement this process, the Authority has been facilitating motor vehicle Inspection for public transportation since January 8, 2024.   The Authority is advising that application can be made at our Online Application portal at for the following categories of Public Passenger Vehicle Licences and Commercial Carriers: ·         New and Renewal Contract Carriage, Express Carriage and Route Taxi licences; ·         Renewal Hackney Carriages; and ·         New and Renewal Commercial Carriers ·         Walk-in customers will be processed by our Customer Care Team The Transport Authority is reminding customers who conduct transactions at its offices, that the Authority no longer accepts cash payments at its locations. Customers may use any of the several payment facilities including paymaster, bill express, apply online or use debit and credit cards at the offices.    PPV operators and Commercial Carriers are urged to renew their road licences before March 31 and avoid the late payment penalty.   -30-

Transport Authority Reminds PPV Operators to Adhere by Requirement for Taxi Globe

The Transport Authority is reminding operators of Hackney Carriages and Route Taxis that under regulation 7(1) of the Taxis and Contract Cars Regulations (1963), Hackney Carriages and Route Taxis are required to display their globes at all times. All taxis are to be fitted with a yellow globe on the centre of the roof of the vehicles, 12 inches from the windscreen and the globe must be displayed at all times during the operation of the vehicles. Additionally, the Transport Authority is restating that globes are required for the examination and renewal of licences of Public Passenger Vehicles and the Authority will be reinforcing the regulation. In the meantime, the Transport Authority is reminding these PPV operators that they must adhere to all the terms and conditions of their road licences and the road traffic laws in order to avoid prosecution.

Transport Authority Meets with Major Stakeholders within the Sector

In furtherance of the Authority’s mandate to ensure a safe and orderly transport system, the Authority has sought to continuously engage its stakeholders and maintain its commitment to open, honest dialogue and has extended an invitation to meet with the Presidents of the Jamaica Association of Transport Owners and Operators (JATOO) and the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODSS) on Monday, August 19, 2019, to discuss a number of matters relating to the public transport sector. The Transport Authority is committed to partnering with its stakeholders to ensure that order and stability are maintained within the sector. As such, these discussions to be held with the main stakeholders, to include Route Taxi Associations and Hackney Carriage Companies, represent the Authority’s commitment to continuous consultations with its stakeholders island-wide. The Transport Authority continues to Regulate with Vision.

Transport Authority Clarifies Misinformation About Tracking Devices to be Installed in Public Passenger Vehicles

The Transport Authority is clarifying misinformation in the public space regarding the number of companies that may be utilized by Public Passenger Vehicle operators, to install tracking devices on Public Passenger Vehicles. Initially, the Authority had selected four (4) companies, which met specifically articulated criteria, through which owners of Public Passenger Vehicles could access the services for the installation of their tracking devices. However, Minister Montague in his Sectoral presentation on June 04, 2019, advised the public transport sector that owners are now able to obtain tracking devices through any company of their choice, but will however be required to provide proof of installation and an activity report, from their tracking system, for the last thirty (30) days, on request by the Authority. In keeping with the Honourable Minister Montague’s sixteen (16) points Transformation Reform Proposal, the Authority is reminding public transport operators that the installation of tracking devices on their vehicles will shortly become mandatory for all Public Passenger Vehicles. It is currently so for the new applicants. The Transport Authority is also advising the commuting public that the installation of tracking devices on Public Passenger Vehicles is another mechanism being used to monitor and address matters relating to safety and security within the public passenger transport sector.

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